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Der Weg des Drachen
ClanWolf Netzwerk > Rollenspiel > Ein Leben im Krieg
->> Hammerhead
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Für diesen Thread bedanken sich:

Meldric, xfirestorm, Artonis, Nimrod, Maddog

Autor Der Weg des Drachen   1  # 7  top
Hoshi Toranaga
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27.02.2018 08:39:13
Shirotori, Brusk DCMS Military Base
Draconis Combinate, Inner Sphere
22nd Feb 3053, 0900 SET (Standard Earth Time)

It was still dark on Shirotori, the Planet had a Long Night Cycle, but the Mechs that were loaded into the Dropships were bathed in shining bright flood lights.
So the gathered Troops were standing in a semi shadow and Tai-sa Matsumara had a glowing aura from the lights behind him, emphasized by the gold on his uniform. As always he chose his appearance wisely.
"Tai-i", he said sharply.
"Hai tonno", Tai-i Toranaga bowed towards his superior.
"We are scheduled for launch at 1100 hours. take them out.", the Tai-sa nodded towards Toranaga and turned to leave.
"Hai Tai-sa", Toranaga nodded towards the leaving Tai-sa and the directed his attention towards the waiting troops.
"Warriors of the Combine, Samurai. A great honor has been bestowed upon us by the son of the Dragon Theodore Kurita-samma himself. We will ship out today towards the Rasalhague Republic and take back Dehgolan, which was unrightfully occupied by the treaturous scum of terrorists. To fast strike at them a command circuit has been established almost all the way, so the travel time will be short, but the stress of fast transfers will be upon us. So be prepared, be vigilant and we will hit them hard. Fight with honor."
Toranaga pulled a white fan from his belt and when it opened it displayed the crest of the Draconis Combine in the middle. He held it up with the crest towards his warriors and chanted as he waived the fan towards the warriors,
"For the Dragon"
"Banzai", the troops answered.
"For the Dragon"
"For the Dragon"

The troops were ready, the Tai-sa thought hearing the battle cry from the distance walking towards the Dropship. Well done Hoshi my friend, the battle will be glorious.
Autor RE: Der Weg des Drachen   2  # 7  top
Hoshi Toranaga
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27.02.2018 09:14:03
Dehgolan System, between Nadir Jump Point and Dehgolan Prime
Jump Ship Sakamoto in Transit
Contested World, Inner Sphere
26th Feb 3053, 1100 SET

"Tai-i, we are receiving battle telemetry from the forces dropped at Rovanniemi City!", the young adjudant had a look of worry in his eyes.
Hoshi turned towards the Tai-sa, "Tonno, Tatakai ga hajimaru." The Tai-sa still contemplating their own attack in his head, turned and looked at the holoscreen.
The troops engaged at a small island but took heavy fire from the enemy forces. "Regroup!", the loud shout from the Tai-sa probably woke even the off duty staff. Slowly one after another DCMS mech vanished from the holoscreen as the defenders moved on.
Tai-sa Matsumara had a fiery look on his face as he hammered down on the intercom button. "Pilot adjust vector to intercept the enemy force at the bog in sector 34 and accelerate to 3G now! Wakarimaska?"
"Hai Tai-sa", was only dimm as Hoshi was pressed into his seat from the G-Forces. He felt sorry for the few that probably were not strapped in, but he was confident that will surprise the enemy.

Dehgolan Prime, Samsara Bog Sector 34
Contested World, Inner Sphere
26th Feb 3053, 2300 SET

The Tai-sa himself had dropped with his lance, Hoshi was proud and amazed by the ease the Tai-sa handled the 75t Mech, but he was also proud to be one of the first to drive the new Roughneck Battlemech the DCMS had adapted from plan raided from Steiner. "Contact, one no 2 Battlemaster!", Wolf sounded worried, but Phidias steered his mech like a cat to a flanking position. "Engage", came the Tai-sa's command and all hell broke loose. The first incoming Battlemaster was greeted by a storm of missiles and PPC fire that not even an Atlas could have absorbed and he went down.
The Tai-sa himself positioned himself like a tiger protecting its cubs infront of the team and danced in the fire of the second Battlemaster as armor melted down like pouring water from his sides, but this opened the back of the enemy Battlemaster to Hoshi and Phidis reach. Hoshi saw Phidias' MRM missel tubes smoke as he let loose a deadly barrage. The back armor of the enemy Battlemaster flew away like confetti and Hoshi triggered all of his weapons in response. The PPCs melted the rest of the enemies armor as the 4 Medium Lasers penetrated the reactor shielding of the Battlemaster. The heat spike almost shut down Hoshi's mech as the second Battlemaster exploded in the wake of his artificial sun let loose. In the meantime The Tai-sa and Wolf let their weapons fly towards the approaching Hunchback and even though the Tai-sa's mech was barely functional he triggered his PPCs before he had to punch out himself. Hoshi thought he heard him scream while on his rocket chari "Hoshi finish them!", but of course it was his imagination. "Focus on bravo!" Hoshi screamed, but even before he finished the sentence Phidias again let loose his rockets and with the combined fire of Wolf and Ferreiros the last enemy mech exploded in a ball of fire.
"Phidias take the Tai-sa, the rest on me and check the perimeter." Hoshi punched commands into his console and switched to thermal vision.
"Hai Tai-i, the Tai-sa is 300m West, I got him, he looks kind of slimey". Phidias always had a joke on his lips and Hoshi smiled, sweat still dropping from his head.
In the distance a supporting Rifleman seemed to have engine problems and the pilot ejected at the sight of the 3 DCMS troops approaching.
"Fire" the standing target was easy to hit and the Rifleman exploded from the incoming barrage as the voice of Matsumara came over the intercom from Phidias's mech.
"For the Dragon!"
"Banzai" the lance answered.
"Our other team was also successful, the planet is ours!"
Hoshi smiled, the losses were not easy to take, but the Samurai does not give up in the wake of adversity.
Autor RE: Der Weg des Drachen   3  # 7  top
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27.02.2018 09:56:19
Dehgolan Prime, Samsara Bog Sector 34
Contested World, Inner Sphere
26th Feb 3053, 2300 SET

For Tai-sa Matsumura this felt defintly not like the right style of a DCMS officer: being carried in the hand of a 75 tons Battlemech, covered all over in mud. Even after he had gotten onto the foldaway seat of Chu-i Phidias mech and had slipped into a grey overall without any rank insignia, it didn't felt right for him. When the dropship had arrived and claimed all what was left of his poor old mech, he met his senior tech in the hangar. A small, stocky man of japanese heritage. Showing his distaste clearly on his face while he stared at the wreckage. "Nagaiyo" he muttered with a 'This will take a while' look on his face. Matsumura gave the Marauder a second glance and had to agree...
Bearbeitet von Storyteller am 27.02.2018 14:58:52  
Autor RE: Der Weg des Drachen   4  # 7  top
Hoshi Toranaga
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01.03.2018 12:47:59
Dehgolan Prime, Samsara Base Camp Sector 34
Draconis Combine, Inner Sphere
28th Feb 3053, 0900 SET

The ComStar Acolyte entered the Officers Tent as if he had all the time in the world, even though Tai-Sa Matsamura clearly could see that it was a Priority 1 Visigraph message in his hand.
"May the wisdom of Blake shine upon you", the Acolyte said and held out the message with both hands, giving a slight bow.
The Tai-sa would not show any emotion as he slowly took, with one hand, the message and simply replied "Domo, you may leave."
The Acolyte gave a nod and left as slowly as he entered.
Matsumara slowly opened the Message and read it carefully at least 2 times before turning towards the other present officers.
"As you can see by the Visigraph seal, this comes directly from Theodore Kurita-samma. I will read it to you, so you understand the gravity of these orders:
Tai-sa Matsumara,
I know that I already asked a lot of a militia unit to take a whole planet with the invasion of Dhegolan, but to bolster our defenses against the coming Clan Invasion I cannot spare any other troops on this and I may ask a lot more of you in the future. I also know that obedience and to serve is the only reward a Samurai needs, however it is also the obligation of a lord to sometimes grant favours to his Samurai if they follow their duty as honorably as your troops have.
So let it be known that from now on Tai-sa Hatake "Storyteller" Matsumura shall be my personal retainer and in my presence will be refered to as Hatamoto Matsumura. He and his troops shall be rewarded with the Village of Nanjin on their homeworld of Dieron and shall receive the funds to build a new Headquarter for their line unit. Matsumura and his officers shall each receive a plot of land for their own housing, sufficient funds to build the houses, 2 servants and 10 Kimonos from the royal seamstresses on Luthien. Each of their tropps shall receive 2 Kimonos and homes in the Village.
However before you can endulge on these favours I have to ask another task of you and it might not be the last in this beginngin war.
We need a bigger defense line against the Clans and so I order the 36th Dieron Regular Line Unit to Tukayyid. You will receive our intel by disk in the next day or two by ComStar.
You have my trust, may the fire of the Dragon lead your way!"
Matsumura took a deep breath and paused as he saw the faces of the officers.
Nobody knew if they should celebrate the great honor and gifts they received or be worried that their small unit yet again had to invade a planet on their own.
Tai-i Toranaga broke the silence "We can only leave a small militia from our reserves to garrison and need to get to space by tomorrow if this should be a surprise attack tonno."
Matsumura snickered, "Hoshi ka, my friend, I commend your focus. Yes we will only leave what garrison we can spare. Honor is our duty and we will succeed. Give the orders and get ready. By this time tomorrow I want to be on route to the JumpShip, 2Gs."
"Hai tonno", the officers replied in unison.
Matsumura held up his hand, before any of them could leave, "now a little thing before we get to work, that much time we have even though it is early." He took out a flask from his desk and presented each of the officers with a small glass and filled it with the sweet smelling sake. As he finished the placed the flask on the desk and took up his own glass "To success"
"Banzai" the officers answered as they poured down the excellent sake and then immediately went to work.
Autor RE: Der Weg des Drachen   5  # 7  top
Hoshi Toranaga
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12.03.2018 09:27:25
Tukayyid, Racice River Delta
Contested World, Inner Sphere
5th March 3053, 1320 SET

Hoshi felt a sting as he was rocked into the command chair of his new Marauder. The Tai-sa bestowed a great honor on Hoshi by giving him this cutting edge machine, but it was very different from his previous Mech and above all, this was a mech that was shown at the parade at Dieron, so it still was wearing the white and gold parade colors.
"Form up on me and move to sector B4.", Hoshi knew in the rocky delta there were numerous attack angles and the enemy could be everywhere.
"Contact D4, at least a lance, they are in ambush position, I am still not sighted", Ferreiros voice was fast pitched, but not hektik, an excellent scout.
"Wakarimas, we will go via sector D4 and flank them from hill side, Ferreiros on my mark make a light show, so they think we are falling into their trap." Hoshi grinned as he thought about this subtle maneuver. If it went wrong they could get pinned against the mountain wall, but if they did not suspect him they could potentially overrun the enemy.
"Do not fire until my command", he added quickly.
The Marauder with its new engine moved like a medium mech, as they quickly covered the distance in the cover of the small treelines.
As Hoshi glimpsed the silhoute of an FRR Warhammer through the trees his adrenaline level rose.
"Now Ferreiros!"
Hoshi saw the brave warrior run by the enemies in his light machine guns blazing. All of the enemies turned after the small mech and he took some heavy hits, but survived until he reached a rock he could hide behind.
"Now!" Hoshi triggered his ER-PPCs and Laseres at once. The enemy Warhammer was rocked hard as gushes of molten metal ran down its spine. The Missile barrage from Phidias did the rest and the Warhammer exploded in a ball of fire. An enemy Griffin turned around on its jump jets and let loose a volley of SRMs towards Hoshi, but the SRMs only did minor armour damage. Hoshi again triggered the PPCs as the heat in his cockpit spiked. Sweat dripping from his face, Hoshi hammered on the override button.
"I am in position", Hoshi heard the Tai sa and saw him coming through the other tree line. His Marauder firing all weapons, the Griffin spun out of control on its jump jets as the pilot ejected.
The enemy Battlemaster and Raven tried to scramble, but the Battlemaster was hit by Ferreiros light in the back, the Tai sa finished the job with another hit of PPCs, the canopy of the Battlemaster flew open as the pilot ejected.
The Raven tried to escape, but Phidias was too quick and shot of one leg. Surrendering the pilot also ejected from his doomed machine.
"Excellent work Samurai!" The Tai sa concluded as they were once more victorious with minmal damage to their own mechs.

Tukayyid, Tukkayid City
Draconis Combine, Inner Sphere
10th March 3053, 2140 SET

The aide entered the officers club where Tai sa Matsumura and his officers were seated comfortably, drinking a night cub of well deserved sake.
"What is it", asked the Tai sa, expecting some detail of burocracy.
"Tono", the aid started, "our deep space radar detected a jump ship on a pirate point beside Tukayyid 2. It is an FRR Elite Unit by its markings. They tried to mask their approach. They will reach Tukayyid in 2 days. At least one Union class dropship approaching."
"Domo, prepare the map room with the updated data and set the alert condition on all occupied zones. Dismissed.", the Tai sa responded with a grim face.
"Hai tono", the aid said sharply, gave a bow and left.
"I thought this could not be this easy. The militia of this world was overhwelmed with our attack, but we are now faced with a far more dangerous enemy atacking us back. It seems they will not give us this planet easily. But we will succeed and defend this planet. Get the troops ready, open battle plan delta 3, lay the mines. I want this planet fortified within the next 24 hours. For the Dragon!"
And so the real battle for Tukayyid began...
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14.03.2018 15:46:35
Tukayyid, Tukkayid City
Draconis Combine, Inner Sphere
14th March 3053, 1530 SET

"Did you see the old man?" the Astech whispered. Shujin Arango, the master tech of the first battalion of the 36th Dieron, turned and looked at his subordinate with a hint of disgust. "Gunjin Lance, our commanding officer, Tai-sa Matsumura, is surely not to be adressed with ‚the old man‘. But yes, I have noticed it. He is concerned."

‚So am I‘, Arango thought and switched to another tool. He reached into the Hunchbacks activator casing again. This chikucho bolt has been melted together with the socket after the last battle and it wouldn’t move … an … inch. Arango sighed. Maybe he would need the welder after all, but then he could replace the whole array in the first place. Because cutting the bolt from the socket would mean to destroy the whole thing.

"Baka!" he swore silently, not sure if the Astech had noticed his little lapse. Arango looked up and saw more familiar faces among the steadily growing croud of pilots and staff officers. Something was definitly going on. Three engagements in such a small period of time was kinda unusual for a regiment of the line during peace times. At least the propaganda told them they were at peace with their neighbours, but Arango knew better.

Those strange messages from the outer rim. The turmoil on the FRR worlds. He heard the rumors back home from techs of arriving merchant dropships. Then the attacks on Dehgolan and Tukayyid. Not only small raids, more fullscale invasions. But only little resistance so far. Where was the KungsArmé? Those few lances couldn’t be all they’ve got. And now a fellow tech, working in the logistics department for a while, told him they were plotting courses to the Lyran Commonwealth…

House Steiner!

This was madness. Was Lord Takashi Kurita about to start the Fith Succession War? Nothing about it in the regular newsfeeds. To the contrary, the wireless was utterly silent. Only some reports about "peace keeping" missions and how the Combine soliders were welcomed by the civilians. He couldn’t see anything of this. He and the other techs had been confined to their barracks at the space port. Noone and nothing got out, and nothing in. Too many tough questions.

"Arango-sama, could you hand me the welder? This bolt won’t move! I think we have to cut it out." the Astech said with a muffled voice from within the activator casing. ‚Time to solve at least this problem with an easy solution‘ Arango thought and grabbed the welder …  
Autor RE: Der Weg des Drachen   7  # 7  top
Hoshi Toranaga
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Eingetreten: 10.11.16
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15.03.2018 12:41:41
Tukayyid, Crimson City Delta
Draconis Combine, Inner Sphere
12th March 3053, 1800 SET

Matsumura let his head get cleared by a slight breeze coming from the sea. He was sitting high on the nose of his Marauder the open canopy behind him. The mech showed only slight battle scaring. He had been sitting here now for at least 4 hours and he still could not grasp what just had transpired.
The FRR troops came in hot, but every prediction of himself and his staff came true. The surprise attack turned on the enemy into an ambush of his troops. Only 3 hours later the remaining enemies were already burning back towards their jump ship and the 36th had no real losses of life or machinery, besides minor repairs.
The evacuated city was so calm now in front of him. No fires burning as the beginning of dusk turned it all in different shades of color. He nearly even missed the steps behind him, as he looked back and saw Tai-i Toranaga with a field carry tray around one shoulder and a neoprene cooler around the other. How he had climbed the emergency ladder of the mech with all that nearly made him lough, but he kept his composure, "Hoshi ka, any trouble?"
Hoshi smiled, "Ie tono, but since you did not show up in the officers mess, I made it my duty to bring the supper to you." Hoshi said while sitting down beside Matsumura and opening the try and field bowls. While the field bowls looked a little danged up, he could smell nicely fresh Ramen even with glaced pork on top.
"Hoshi kun, you never fail to amaze me, where did you get all that?"
"Oh, I brought some stuff along, kicked the chef out of the galley and made it from scratch, but there is more." Hoshi opened the neoprene cooler and presented a bottle of the nicest Luthien sake, slightly chilled and filled the metal field cups.
"Now where did you get that?", Matsumura could no longer hide his broad smile.
"Well some poeple owe me", Hoshi snickered as he toasted towards the Tai-sa.
"My friend this is what victory should taste like, no matter the cup.", Matsumura closed his eyes as the gently chilled sake made his way through his mouth, caressing it with subtle notes of grapes and hollander.
He reached for the Ramen, "Let us treasure such moments my friend, we will see how long it lasts."
Hoshi gave a nod and took his bowl up too and thought about the things that still might come.
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