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Batchall : Gamma vs. Beta |
1 # 8
Beiträge: 6933
Eingetreten: 12.12.07 Status: Offline
Warn: |
20.03.2015 21:07:01 |
Es wird einen Kampf gegen die Piloten der Beta-Galaxy geben.
Montag, 23.03.3050
Treffen zwischen 20:30 Uhr und 20:45 Uhr
(nach dem regulären Training)
Beginn der Kämpfe um 21:00 Uhr.
- 3 Spiele
- 10 vs. 10 (je 2 Sterne)
- 1. Karte: Zufall
- 2. Karte: Wird vom Verlierer von Kampf 1 bestimmt
- 3. Karte: Wird vom Verlierer von Kampf 2 bestimmt
Angreifer: Gamma
Verteidiger: Beta
d.h. wir fragen im Batchall danach, womit Beta verteidigt. Es bleiben 10 Mechs, aber sie werden uns eine Tonnage vorgeben. Was wir damit machen, sehen wir dann mal. Entweder nehmen wir die gleiche Tonnage oder wir bieten darum wer führen darf (wenn es mehrere Kandidaten gibt, gewinnt der mit dem niedrigeren Gebot).
StarCaptian Kevin Radick ist ein NPC.
Nicht zu weit unterbieten!
Friday, 20th of march 3050
Dropship Moonspell on the way to planetary surface
Clan Wolf Occupation Zone,
Inner Sphere
Dropship Moonspell was already reducing speed on its way to the planetary surface. This procedure gave a pleasing feeling of gravity to all people onboard. The StarCaptain stood in front of the monitor of the Com station and spoke slowly and with a deep, menacing voice.
"I am StarCaptian Kevin Radick from Trinary Battle of the 7th BattleCluster. We came here to claim what belongs to us following the traditions of our founder. We request the Pouncer Omnimech for our Trinary to lead it to battle on our way to Terra.
You have been assigned this design while my Trinary Gamma did not get access to it. We call for a trial of possession. Both GalaxyCommanders are informed of this approach. What will be your defending forces?"
The recording stopped with a beep and the StarCaptain turned around to leave his office. An AsTech would send the transmission immediatly after recording. It would take some time for the reply to come in and it would take another 3 days until their arrival at the landing zone... There was a lot of work to finish before that.
[ Kodax | Touman Γ ]
Autor |
RE: Batchall : Gamma vs. Beta |
2 # 8
Themenstarter Beiträge: 6933
Eingetreten: 12.12.07 Status: Offline
Warn: |
20.03.2015 23:13:10 |
[ Kodax | Touman Γ ]
Autor |
RE: Batchall : Gamma vs. Beta |
3 # 8
Avatar wählen
Beiträge: 1021
Eingetreten: 15.03.14 Status: Offline
Warn: |
21.03.2015 11:46:02 |
der Link läuft ins Leere bei den Russen. zumindest ich sehe auf deren Seite nichts.
Ich kann dein Profil dort sehen, aber laut den Info´s da hast du bisher noch keinen Post dort hinterlassen...??!?!?!?!
??? |
Autor |
RE: Batchall : Gamma vs. Beta |
4 # 8
Themenstarter Beiträge: 6933
Eingetreten: 12.12.07 Status: Offline
Warn: |
21.03.2015 13:37:38 |
Ich sehe den Thread. Ich hab bei denen nachgefragt, ob man den nur mit speziellen Rechten sieht. Ich sag Bescheid, wenn ich was höre.
(EDIT) Antwort von Asmodeus:
"This thread can see only registred members, who already have tag "clansman" and any of our sibs, warriors & officers. I can remove this thread to the public zone if it necessary"
(Die Anmeldung da im Forum ist aufgrund der russischen Sprache ein wenig tricky, aber es ist machbar)
[ Kodax | Touman Γ ]
Autor |
RE: Batchall : Gamma vs. Beta |
5 # 8
Themenstarter Beiträge: 6933
Eingetreten: 12.12.07 Status: Offline
Warn: |
21.03.2015 20:00:01 |
[ Kodax | Touman Γ ]
Autor |
RE: Batchall : Gamma vs. Beta |
6 # 8
Beiträge: 2
Eingetreten: 21.03.15 Status: Offline
Warn: |
22.03.2015 11:35:35 |
Incoming message from planetary command:
I am Star Capitan Alexander, commander of Trinary Alpha from 352nd Assault Claster Beta Galaxy, and my trinary will defend our right for possession omnimechs Pouncer. However, I think, that full trinary are too much for defend from warriors of Gamma Galaxy and I reduced my bid to one binary, which will not heavier than 650 tons.
Autor |
RE: Batchall : Gamma vs. Beta |
7 # 8
Beiträge: 1769
Eingetreten: 23.06.14 Status: Offline
Warn: |
23.03.2015 09:50:25 |
Datatransmission #001-23.03.3050_CW.net (Category Trial of possession)
SCom Thomas "xfirestorm"
Begin content:
To: StarCaptain Alexander
Honor the Clan!
I, StarComander Thomas "xfirestorm", have earned the right to lead the attack against your forces. We will field the same tonnage as you, 650t, but all LRMs have been bidden away.
I expect your pilots to follow honorable combat, as it is our heritage and honour given by the way of the clans. So, man against man will fight, following the rules and traditions of Zellbrigen until the battle is decided. Challenges will be transmitted in open battlecoms.
SCom Thomas "xfirestorm"
End content
SecCert: 87236635hHHT+'#PO (Certified)
Transmission complete.
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Then the order came, "Furl the sails. Ready for jump, mighty warriors. We journey back, we journey home, Carrying the flame of the Star League Back to the heart. We face the ignorant Who believe themselves civilized and strong, But they will soon discover otherwise. We are the Clans, the Star League incarnate. None can stand against us and survive."
Autor |
RE: Batchall : Gamma vs. Beta |
8 # 8
Themenstarter Beiträge: 6933
Eingetreten: 12.12.07 Status: Offline
Warn: |
24.03.2015 07:58:58 |
Mein abschließender Beitrag zu gestern:
You fought well and with honour!
Kevin Radick has died in the fighting and SCom Thomas "XFirestorm" was the only one who could win a fight in honorable combat. You can be sure that this will be added to his kodax file. We are sure you will use the Pouncer well against the Inner Sphere surats. We take the offered Hegira and remove our remaining forces from the planet. While the unit was humbled by the superior fighting of the wolves of Beta Galaxy, it will be rebuild and we will meet again.
Side by side against the enemies of Clan Wolf and face to face in honorable trial.
I would like to thank you for the fights, gentlemen! Allthough it was not too successfull for our pilots (including me), we saw a lot to be worked on. If you would be willing, I would like to ask you to repeat this kind of fights in the coming weeks in order to sharpen our fangs for our enemies.
[ Kodax | Touman Γ ]